Hello, my name is Sonia Geier and this year I will be teaching science and conducting science experiments with the children in grades Pre-K through 8th grade.
I am excited to be teaching science using our LabLearner science program and our fully equipped, modern science lab. LabLearner is a research-based, hands-on system of science education that integrates experiments performed in a laboratory setting with lessons taught in the classroom. It offers complete on-line parent, student, and teacher resources that can be accessed at home.
I will be using my many years of teaching experience, my enthusiasm for learning (especially science), my dedication to Catholic education, and my love of children to make this a productive and enjoyable year for all the students in Blessed Trinity.
All students must come prepared for Science Lab with their Lab book and a pencil. All students must follow proper Lab procedures and safety rules.
All grades will be following the Lab Learner curriculum. The curriculum is divided into cells, which contain about 3-4 experiments each. Your child will receive a new lab book for each cell. These books contain background information, vocabulary, lab materials and procedures, data tables, and questions about lab results and conclusions. These books should be used to review and prepare for quizzes and tests. Please consult your child's teacher's page for their science lab schedule. Your child's teacher will do background lessons and lab prep in their classroom and experiments will be performed in our science lab. Please free to contact me with any questions or concerns.